Getting IN: Dealing with Fear

How to mitigate fear of trading by desensitizing your to losses.

The bad feeling of getting stopped out feels 2x emotionally than the good feeling created from a good trade. How to psychologically 'stay' in the game?

Win twice as much as one loss. What do you mean? Shoot for RRR of at least 1:2 or develop your skills so that you have a 75% winning trade ratio (with proper money management of course). Tour trades need to offer a 1:2 psychological risk reward to keep your mental game balance.

Closing a winning trade brings a sense of relief rather than a joyous celebration. I remember my first four digit day...I thought I would be extremely excited. It was joyous for about 2 minutes after closing the position...that was it? I guess I need to shoot for a 5 digit day next!

Pull the trigger! This is tricky. It requires a few entries to build or observance that the strategy does indeed work.

Beginner: Use the smallest position possible (in my case 1 mini-lot...even better with micro-lots). Getting stopped out (20pips = $20) will still hurt because it's still a nice lunch. But the information gained will build the much needed 'faith' in the strategy.

Advance: Detachment. My suggestion is to calculate how much you are going to to risk today...and say to yourself "I have done my back testing, research, and seen this strategy perform with an EDGE on this pair. In the LONG run I will be profitable. Today I am going to throw X dollars, %, Pips, etc into the market with no expectation of the result."

We tend to go in with this mentality: "I have seen my mentor's trade this strategy with decent results. There have been times where they have been stopped out. Not sure if it's going to happen this time. Not sure if this strategy is going to be profitable because I haven't been profitable. When I enter this trade I with X% risk I expect to have a winning trade!"

With the detachment mentality...there is no expectation on profits after the trade has been set. When your trade closes at breaks even, you are NOT disappointed because you came out ahead in experience. Winners are a treat when managed properly. And have already given your money to the market both financially...but this time mentally. Losing is to trading what pain is to life: without either, it would be a bland existence. Visualizing pain in term of ultimate profits will help you move forward.

Keep trading. Build your edge.


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