three weeks to break even and bank

Summer trading has been intense!

Daily schedule:

1-3pm wake up and have 'breakfast'
3 Online class for 1 hr on Monday and Thursdays
430 gym 'lunch' with the family
afternoon study charts/smallgroup/work/I am learning from four highly qualified forex traders each with different strategies...trying to learn from all four.
12am prepare for early London swings
1am 'dinner'
3am London opens
8am New York Opens
11am London closes...sleep and repeat.

Looking back at my goals I set:

Haven't finished studying for my series 3 yet...but more than half way through the study material

5 F's
  • Faith - been highly involved with a Wilmington Small group and a men's group that meets at the Dockside restaurant. It has been a very thought provoking Summer.
  • Family - spending time with the family...
  • Friends - small group
  • Fitness - gym 3-4 times a week mix with different fitness activities
  • Finance: Summer peak account draw down $1000
Current account change $275

I have had some great Summer reading: Tipping point (Gladwell), Trading in the Zone (Douglas), The new paradigm for Financial Markets and Globilization (Soros)

Before end of Summer goal:
  • Finish series 3
  • Break even (for the 3rd time in 8 months...sigh talk about working for less than minimum wage) and make $1k
  • Work on University Entrepreneurship Network's marketing plan
  • Work on pilot