Below is an opportunity I am ecstatic about. Sometime in November called me and told me that they would be interested in having me as one of their first trade leaders. The site is 'like' a facebook for forex traders. The members are able to view the trades and pick a trade leader to invest in. I trade as I would normally do but the investors that are following me have my trades and risk management duplicated on their accounts. It's a great win-win-win scenario!
- gets the commission from their IB business not only on my account but the most traders lose or bust out quickly. Currensee will have longer and better residual income from TLP (Trade Leader's Program). Very Smart.
- Traders/Investors can tap into talent that would normally be exclusive to elite (30%+ yearly gains). Also learning traders can 'hedge' their live accounts by using TLP. Say I make 30% they lose 10%. They are still up and have the live learning experience.
- I am paid like a Wall Street fund manager. I will be taking 25% of the profits. For every 4 investors that match my account my profits will double for the same amount of risk taken...sweet RRR!
Man look at that equity curve, good work Irwin!
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