Daniel's tutorial that has shaped my poker play tremendously and I use the same fundamentals on arbitrage.
Small ball in a nutshell:
- Keep pots small
- Try to get into as many hands as possible without paying much
- Play small suited connectors...to see the flop. If you miss...easy lay down...If you hit HUGE pay out.
- Bet out in consistent amounts to hide strength of hands
Uses in day trading (in mini-lots):
- Risk 3-8% of account portfolio (In my case trade 1 mini-lots until comfortable with Forex)
- Stop loss set at 20 pips I 'cap' my pot commitment to $20 per trade...trading a lot has actually burned me (my broker probably loves me).
- If the trends run the correctly I rake in a 20-200 pip gain. The idea is to risk very little to rake the reward (kinda like drawing on straights and flushes). Reset stops once you're on a run to cap profits...example: set stop at 10 pips once it breaks +20 pips...set 20 pips otb +30 pips...etc. Basically protect your hand.
- Don't get cocky and put the entire fund at stake on a 'hunch'. Play this game by the books and grind it out.
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